as long as と as far as の違い・覚え方・練習問題


as long asas far as区別に悩んでいませんか?受験の常識と言ってよい基本事項ですが、意外に正答率は高くありません。今回は as long asas far as違い覚え方について説明します。記事の最後には練習問題も用意しているので挑戦してみてください。

as far as の意味

far の本来の意味は「遠い」です。ある距離の長さをイメージしてください。そして次に、その長さを半径にしてコンパスでぐるっとを描いた図をイメージしてください。

すると「範囲」ができましたね。よって、as far as は「~する範囲内では」と考えることができます。

以下が as far as でよく使われる表現です。いずれも「~する限り」⇒「~する範囲内では」と言い換えて意味が通じることを確認してください。

  • as far as I know(私が知っている範囲内では)
  • as far as I’m concerned(私が関係している範囲内では)
  • as far as I can see(私が見える・考える範囲内では)
  • as far as I remember(私が覚えている範囲内では)
  • as far as X permits[allows](Xが許す範囲内では)
  • as far as it goes(状況が及ぶ範囲内では⇒現状では

また、as far as の場合、使える表現は上の表現などの決まったパターンで使われるものに限られます太字は特に頻出)。もしどうしても悩んだら、これらの表現を覚えておいて、それ以外が出てきたら as long as ではないかと考えるのも有効です。

as long as の意味

as long as の long は「(時が長い」という意味です。以下の図のような、時の流れの中のある長さをイメージしてください。


You can stay here as long as you keep quiet.

この例文の as long as などは、まさに while と言い換えることができますね。

You can stay here while you keep quiet.


You can stay here if you keep quiet.



Please let me know when you need my help.
Please let me know if you need my help.

結論として、as (  ) as が while または if と言い換えることができたら as long as と考えてください。実際は while よりも if の意味でしっくりくることが多いです。


  • as far as と判断するポイント
  • as long as と判断するポイント


次の英文の(  )内に当てはまるものを入れよ。

  • I don’t mind lending you the book (  ) you return it by next month.
    ① as fast as ② as far as ③ as long as ④ as much as 
  • (  ) I am concerned, I am against the plan.
    ① As long as ② As far as ③ As much as ④ As well as 
  • You may borrow my camera (  ) you are careful with it.
    ① as long as ② as much as ③ as well as ④ as far as 
  • You will enjoy the rock concert (  ) you don’t mind a lot of people coming together.
    ① as far as ② as well as ③ as long as ④ as soon as 
  • (  ) I know, Ristorante Hiro is the best Italian restaurant in the city.
    ① As long as ② As far as ③ As well as ④ As much as 
  • Please make yourself at home (  ) you are here.
    ① as far as ② as well as ③ as long as ④ as soon as 
  • (  ) I can see, there is no easy solution to this problem.
    ① As far as ② As long as ③ As much as ④ As well as 
  • Your father will be happy (  ) you come home safely.
    ① as well as ② as far as ③ as long as ④ as much as 
  • The company can label its watches Swiss-made (  ) at least 50 percent of their parts come from Switzerland.
    ① as well as ② as much as ③ as many as ④ as long as 
  • B!